Thursday, January 13, 2011

I have taken a break from Monogramming and cooked supper

Today, I was back to normal, keeping the twins.   When I got home, I decided to cook a family favorite dish, Chicken Spaghetti.  Except it really isn't what it sounds like.

My father in law always called this dish, Chicken LaLa.
I told a special friend that I would send her the recipe, then thought I would just post it here, so others could see it too.

Chicken Spaghetti

I use 6-8 deboned chicken breast, but you can also use 1 whole chicken, or whatever chicken meat you want.
Boil the chicken until it is done and tender.  then remove the chicken from the pan you cooked it in, put 8 ozs. of noodles in to boil ( I use elbow noodles).  When they are done, drain them and set aside. 
This recipe makes enough to serve a large family and put some in the freezer for a later time.

2 cans of Tomato Soup
2 cans of Cream of Mushroom Soup
2 Cans of Rotel (I normally use mild or original)
1 onion- chopped (sometimes I leave this out)
1 stick of margarine or butter (If I don't use the onions and mushrooms, I don't put the margarine in)
1 small can of chopped mushrooms (this can be left out also)
2 pounds of Velveeta Cheese
Saute the onion and chopped mushroom in the margarine until tender.   Add the 2 cans of Tomato Soup, 2 cans of Cream of Mushroom Soup, 2 cans of Rotel, stir together.  Cut Velveeta into small chunks and drop into the soup mixture and stir over medium heat until the cheese has melted.  Add the noodles and chopped up chick back into the mixture.

Put the content into a baking pan and bake at 350 degrees until bubbly and totally hot.  If you wish to freeze a dish, put into a baking container, cover and freeze before you bake.  When you want to serve, remove from the freezer, place in a cold oven, turn the temperature on to 350 degrees and bake until bubbly. 

Hope you enjoy this dish as much as my family does.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Productive Day

Today, I can see finished products, so I know I have had a productive day.  It has been hard to stay focused, with the view out my windows in my sewing room.  Here is a glimpse for you to enjoy. 

This is the fabric I got in today from Allbrands.  I'm so excited, it will be used to make Mardi Gras outfits for some super cute little boys!

Applique Momma needed some designs test stitched, so I volunteered to do three.  The boy head, a girl head and the Easter Chick.

 This cute little chick was put on a 24 month top for Natalie.  Won't she be so cute wearing her little Easter Chick around!
 I've been working on this outfit for quiet a while now, it kinda got pushed back when I got so busy at Christmas.  The cupcake applique is from Lynnie Pinnie and was put on a soft brown knit top to go with the Easy Fit pants, with ruffles.  A really cute outfit!

 All in all, it has been a pretty productive day!  It's always great to finish some projects. Now I am ready to start new ones. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1/11/11 A unique day

Today, I am working on an order of Aprons, not making them, just putting names on them.  There are 20 aprons to be monogrammed.  I am using my fast hoops, so this makes the job easier than if I actually had to hoop each one.  Hopefully I will finish this job soon.  I'm ready to move on to other things. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

Love playing in the snow, no matter how old you get, you have got to enjoy the snow!  For me, it brings back such fond memories from my childhood.  My Dad loved the snow and always took us riding when it started to snow, so we could see how pretty it was.  I remember when my niece was about 2 and 1/2, it started to snow, my Dad took me and we went to her babysitters to pick her up, so he could see her reaction to the snow. 

We had about 5 inches of snow at my house this week.  I loved that all my children, with their children in toe, came over to play in the snow.  We don't get snow often in Mississippi, so it is a special treat.  Here are a few pictures from our day playing in the snow.  I did not do any monogramming today, I took a snow day also. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Excitement

I am so excited today about the forecasted snow, which means I have been unable to concentrate on much.  So, I decided to go shopping for my favorite things, new applique designs.  Here are the ones I picked out and can't wait to try them out.  One of my favorite designers had a sale on, thanks Applique Momma!  Let me know if you would like to order one of these designs on a shirt, jon-jon or dress.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday- Time for shopping and etc

Saturdays are usually my day to do the weekly shopping, today was a little more challenging, since the south appears to be in the path of a Winter Storm.  Many more people ventured out to get supplies bought for the upcoming days.  It seemed like the day before Christmas at the store I normally shop.  Some shoppers were very aggressive, almost running over you to get what they were after.  My husband and I were very happy to get what we needed and out of the store.  I did find a few shirts that are suitable for appliqueing.  It is so hard to locate shirts that are appropriate.  I can't wait until I get set up to order shirts online.  Afterwards, we stopped in at Wendy's to grab a little lunch.

When I returned home,  I placed an order for fabric to do Mardi Gras appliques and outfits with.  It is so cute, can't wait until it comes in.  Will definitely post pictures of these outfits when they are finished.  I also got fabric ordered for the Eiffel Tower dresses that I have orders for.  Yoo Hoo!!!

I started working on finishing a pair of pants, still need to get the casing done for the elastic.  Hayden was here, and he loves to help me monogram.  He wasn't as interested in the serger and sewing machine.  I stopped sewing and did some monogramming, so that Hayden could sit in my lap and help.  He loves to push the buttons on the screen on my Brother PR 620 monogramming machine.  He has learned to keep his hands in his lap until Granny tells him he can push a button (touch the LED screen and then push the start button). 
The pants will be finished tomorrow, but just got to love that special time that I get to spend with my sweet grandson.  Hayden and Logan both love to help Granny do monogramming.  And Granny loves it!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday- January 7, 2011

I love it when I am able to salvage something that appeared destined to be a disaster.  After alot of patience and careful removal of stitches.  I was able to put the hoop back in my machine, with the t-shirt still in it, and worked though the race care design to move my needle to the areas that needed to be repaired and complete the design again.  This time, without sewing the bottom of the shirt to the back of the design. 

There is a lesson here!  In the future, when you think a project is a total loss, just step back from it, and don't give up.  If you document the position that you had the design in the machine for placement, you can go back to that spot and re-stitch the design. 

Now for the finished product pictures.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Monogramming Successes and Mess-ups

I was testing several designs for one of my favorite designers last night, Monogram Momma or AKA Applique Momma.  You can find her cute designs at .  I love doing test stitch outs for her and usually I just go ahead and put them on t-shirts, that I know my Grandchildren can wear.  They stitch out so great on the first try normally.  If it wasn't for operator error, the same would have been true for last night or better yet early this morning. 

I was on the third shirt, a super cute, simple race car, which I was putting on a Navy Blue Old Navy t-shirt for my sweet 16 month old grandson, and all was great in my world.  That  is, until I took the hoop out of the machine and was going to turn the hoop over to loosen it up to remove the shirt, when I realized, that the bottom of the front of the shirt was stitched to part of the back of the design.  Oh no!!!  This was the 3rd time this has happened to me in my 5 years of doing embroidery, so I suppose that isn't too bad a history record.  But it was such a cute design and a great soft t-shirt and I set out to salvage both.  I worked for a while, clipping the stitches, then decided at 1:30 am to put it up, wait until the light of day and attempt to get it unsewn. 

This morning, I have been able to get the shirt undone!  By very carefully clipping the back of the satin stitch around the wheels and the bottom of the car.  I am going to post pictures of the incident, and the steps to fix it.  I wanted you all to know, that when everything seeems hopeless when you make the type of mistake, step back and take a closer look.  Very carefully clip the stitches and see if you can salvage your work. 

This was after some work, but did not have the shirt loose yet.
I have the shirt undone from the applique, but haven't cleaned it up yet.
Some tips:  1- First would be prevention- always double check to make sure you have gotten the back of the shirt out of your stitching way.
2- Always write down the coordinates of your embroidery hoop placement, if you have moved the hoop up, down, or sideways.  This will allow you to go right back to the place you were to start with.
3-Do not unhoop your garment!!!
4- Very carefully try to remove the stitches, in good light.  This is a fairly time consuming process, but better than loosing the shirt. 
5-Use a lint remover to clean up your thread pieces.  (in my pictures, I have not done this yet).
6-Move your needle through the steps to return to the place in your design where you can replace the thread you had to clip loose.

Hopefully, tonight I will be able to complete my shirt, and will post pictures of the finished garment- whether I am successful or not!

These are the cute designs that I did get finished. 

 Be sure and come back tomorrow to see if I am successful in fixing my Mess-Up! 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Year 360 days left

A friend of mine mentioned doing a Project 365 Blog.  She didn't mention it until today, which is the 5th day, so I guess I will have a Project 360 Blog. 

This will be interesting, certainly a challenge to me mentally, to be able to blog about my life for the whole year.  I'm not really sure who will want to read it, I will try my best to make it interesting.  When Angi told me about it, I responded, that I "change diapers, feed babies, put babies down for naps, play with babies, feed husband, compute and then I try to work in sewing and monogramming."  She said, "that should cover a few days."  And I responded, "that is all in one day."  I am a Grandmother, having raised 3 very great children of my own.  I am a Retired Registered Nurse, and have found my nitch in making and personalizing Children's Clothes and Baby Gifts, and many more items.  I stay with my twin grandbabies during the day, while their Mother teaches school, then go home and start my work on orders for shirts and other personalized items. 

I have recently learned how to make pants for boys and girls totally reversible, as well as, how to make a pillowcase dress totally reversible, like the 2 button a-lines and jon-jons.  I love being able to figure out how to do things like this. 
One of my favorite things to do is to make reversible outfits, so that they can be worn for longer, not just for a holiday. 

I enjoy doing test stitching for the digitizers who make the cute applique designs for us all to use.  Many times, that is the only way my own grandchildren get things made, because I am often too busy making outfits for other children, my own get left out. 

I will be posting pictures of things I make this year and will try to do a few tutorials on how to make things.  A good friend of our family is expecting a little girl and she wants to learn how to sew, so maybe I can help at least her, by posting some how to do's on my blog. 

I'm really excited about what 2011 has to offer me and my family!