Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Year 360 days left

A friend of mine mentioned doing a Project 365 Blog.  She didn't mention it until today, which is the 5th day, so I guess I will have a Project 360 Blog. 

This will be interesting, certainly a challenge to me mentally, to be able to blog about my life for the whole year.  I'm not really sure who will want to read it, I will try my best to make it interesting.  When Angi told me about it, I responded, that I "change diapers, feed babies, put babies down for naps, play with babies, feed husband, compute and then I try to work in sewing and monogramming."  She said, "that should cover a few days."  And I responded, "that is all in one day."  I am a Grandmother, having raised 3 very great children of my own.  I am a Retired Registered Nurse, and have found my nitch in making and personalizing Children's Clothes and Baby Gifts, and many more items.  I stay with my twin grandbabies during the day, while their Mother teaches school, then go home and start my work on orders for shirts and other personalized items. 

I have recently learned how to make pants for boys and girls totally reversible, as well as, how to make a pillowcase dress totally reversible, like the 2 button a-lines and jon-jons.  I love being able to figure out how to do things like this. 
One of my favorite things to do is to make reversible outfits, so that they can be worn for longer, not just for a holiday. 

I enjoy doing test stitching for the digitizers who make the cute applique designs for us all to use.  Many times, that is the only way my own grandchildren get things made, because I am often too busy making outfits for other children, my own get left out. 

I will be posting pictures of things I make this year and will try to do a few tutorials on how to make things.  A good friend of our family is expecting a little girl and she wants to learn how to sew, so maybe I can help at least her, by posting some how to do's on my blog. 

I'm really excited about what 2011 has to offer me and my family!



Glad you posted this!

We're going to have fun doing this project in 2011!

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